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When someone’s negligence leads to injury of a third party, the third party will almost surely be advised to pursue compensation through legal means. Of course, it depends on the severity of the injury, but even minor accidents require a thorough checkup to ensure bodily health. Whether you are the negligent party, the injured party, or the insurance company who finances the negligent party, there are really only two outcomes in a case such as this: settlement or trial.

You may be eager to accept whatever settlement is proposed, receive your money, and put the incident behind you once and for all. In some cases, this may be your best option. But how do you know for sure you’re getting everything you deserve? How do you know when to take a settlement out of court and when to take the case to trial?

First, it’s important to remember that when taking a case to trial, you are not always guaranteed to emerge victorious. You may see this as yet another point in favor of a quick settlement, but what if the settlement (typically arranged and proposed by the insurance company of the defendant) is not enough to cover damages suffered in the accident? Personal injury includes not only physical suffering, but mental and emotional as well. It’s crucial that you recognize the scope of your injuries and begin this process with the expectation of full compensation.

It’s critical to hire an attorney to guide you through the process. Depending on your unique situation, they can help you make the best decision when it comes to trial versus settlement. An attorney can tell you if the settlement is a low-ball offer and, perhaps more importantly, if it will cover all necessary expenses. This would be the primary reason for taking a case to trial. Otherwise, a settlement is a great way to avoid the often lengthy court proceedings and all the stress and anxiety that comes with it.

Ultimately, the most important thing is that you receive the compensation you are due. If you feel like a settlement is fair, then accept it by all means. But do seek the opinion of a personal injury attorney before making any final decisions. If you’re looking for a reliable law firm, we here at Wayne Hardee Law would be more than happy to represent you. Our team of lawyers will stand by you and help you make an informed decision as you seek compensation for injury. Contact us today, or visit our website for more information!