Whether you’ve only just started driver’s ed or you finally have your shiny new driver’s license in hand, it’s the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Driving opens up a world of opportunities and freedom, and can be an exciting time of increased independence. But being out on the open road does come with some risks. Operating a vehicle in accordance with all posted laws and regulations can be overwhelming, and the potential for mistakes is especially prevalent among young drivers. That said, our team of personal injury attorneys is here with some advice to keep you and your passengers safe as you head out on the roads. Read on to learn more!
Obey the Rules of the Road
There are numerous laws in place to make driving a safe and smooth experience for everyone on the roads. The speed limit is the first and most obvious one, but you should brush up on a few other common snags as well. Are you confident in how and when to turn at intersections, both at stop signs and traffic lights? Do you know the meaning of the various road signs and pavement markings?
Watch Your Speedometer
Your speedometer sits front and center on the dashboard behind your steering wheel. Glance down every so often to make sure your current speed is within the limits of the area. Remember, the speed limit signs represent a maximum. You’re free to drive a few miles per hour below the posted limit, if it makes you more comfortable. And if you find yourself tailgating the vehicle in front of you, check your speed and slow down.
Utilize Safety Features
Your vehicle is equipped with many safety features and tools that make driving easier. Mirrors, headlights, airbags, and status lights are all there for your protection and ease of use. But perhaps most important of all is the seatbelt. Always be sure to buckle up and secure any loose items before heading out.
Avoid Unnecessary Distractions
It’s so easy to stay connected these days. Radio stations, music streaming services, and podcasts provide endless entertainment, not to mention the never-ending stream of texts and calls straight to our smart devices. While it may be tempting to send a quick reply or browse your music library for the perfect song, you should avoid these types of distractions at all costs. We recommend that you keep your eyes on the road.
Wayne Hardee Law: Personal Injury Attorney
If you or a loved one was involved in a motor vehicle accident, don’t panic. Wayne Hardee Law has decades of experience with these types of cases, and we’re here to help. Get in touch with us today to schedule your free consultation!